My Mortgage Blog — Latest Posts
End of an Era
If you take a look at the economic cycle on a graph, it looks similar to the wooden roller coaster at Playland! It's confusing at best but what it does show is that what goes up, must come down and...
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Taxes Schmaxes
It's officially that time of year. If you're a home owner you have probably received your property tax assessments in the mail. Due dates to pay your taxes are usually the first week of July but...
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Rate shoppers do what?
What is the very first question you ask when shopping for a mortgage?"What is your lowest rate?"You know when you see something that's too good to be true? It usually is. What if I were to tell you...
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Year in Review 2012
Here we are finding ourselves in 2013, is it me or did 2012 seem to fly by? January started with the RIM downfall which was plagued by dwindling revenues, executive resignations and job cuts. In...
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